Monday 3 December 2012

Dissection of worms: BIO 11

Dissections are the thing I fear the most in biology. For most, dissections are the most enjoyable part of biology but I can't fathom cutting insects and cute animals! I have a huge fear of spiders and insects. So this dissection was quite hard for me. I think Ms. Iannone gave us this dissection to really see how the inside of a worm functions. Unlike us humans, we can't regenerate & if one of our arms are cut off we can't grow another one.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nayeed! I'm glad you got this in. Did you get the lab sheet with the questions? There are 9 questions that you needed to answer with photos. Your purpose was good and you had a great personal reflection (it took me a long time to get over the dissection bit as well... but it's really need once you get past it) Make sure your next blog post has these questions answered :) Come talk to me if you're not sure what to do and I'll help you out.
    Connection to class-1/4
    Personal Reflection-4/4
